John Story Jenks Elementary School circa 1960's

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Presented by Nancy Screnci (Uhle)

Photo by Nancy Screnci (Uhle) Class of 1967
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Contributor's Entries
Michael Stevenson entry:
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    The office bench, referred to because it was originally positioned directly outside of the school office. There were several reasons to be seated here, some better than others. There were two of these benches as I recall on the first floor. This one, and also the one positioned outside of the Second Grade Classroom down towards the West end of the Hallway. -ms

George Gatenby entry:
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Beautiful Pics of JSJ on the inside. What I remember most was the "OFFICE BENCH"!!!!!!! If you were a bad Boy or Girl you had to sit on it, AND the only time you got off was when your Mom or Dad picked you up!!!! But that was back in the 1930`s. I admit it , I sat on it a few times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George ( Billy ) Gatenby, January Class of 1937