John Story Jenks Elementary School circa 1960's

Ricky Brown '70
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Ricky Brown entry:
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'Kindergarten thru '68 graduation - ricky brown

I have so many wonderful memories from those days. Mr. Giorno playing accordian and teaching music; Mr. Gershman at gym; Mrs. Davidson in third grade; the most wonderful Mrs. Preston from kindergarten who I will love forever; Mrs. McDonald from first grade; playing during recess; bus rides home for lunch (which no one ever believes was done back then); the auditorium and Principal J (who I loved but was always scared of); class plays and the school orchestra; and mostly all the great kids.
Michael Stevenson entry:
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It's a pleasure to meet Ricky Brown, who is already contributing to the site. Thank you, Ricky!

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Bonus Photos:
Ricky Brown

   Updated: 8/23/2007 10:26AM