Fair winds and following seas, dear classmate. And you remain a part
of and live in these joyful memories we have. Derrick was a real leader as
far as activity in the community and professionalism at work. What he learned
he shared with others. He was a community pioneer in Citizen Band Radio (back
when it was organized) and also Ham Radio operation. His house had a great deal
of antennas on top of it. Derrick was an Electrical Engineer who worked for a
time for a major company.
Derrick was afflicted with health problems during his life, but they did not
prevent him from developing himself in many areas. Some of these his physical
difficulties included Cancer, loss of hearing, difficulty with imbalance, etc.
But Derrick overcame all of these to develop himself professionally and socially...
again to the point of being a leader in his community. He also married a lovely
wife. He was personally responsible for my introduction into Ham Radio, Citizen
Band radio, and electronics in general which later became my own life's profession.
Derrick was a born-again believer in Christ Jesus, of the Apostolic faith at the
time of his death. I had specific information that he was water baptised. I attended
his funeral and it was one of the most lively "going home" services I have ever attended.