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Car Crash! by Michael Stevenson |
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Car Crash! by Michael Stevenson |
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Anatomy of an Automobile Accident December '92
BRANCH AVE. overpass; Interstate 495 Washington DC.
Part One: BANG!
On the above date I was on my way to work at about
6:47am on southbound I-95 at the Brance Ave. overpass.
I was in lane one. Just ahead of me and to the right
there was another vehicle in lane two. I was traveling
at a rate of about 45 miles per hour in a 1987 Ford LTD
Crown Victoria.
It was the first snow of the season, and I was in lane
one all alone away from most traffic, so I thought.
Suddenly, I saw _headlights_ appear ahead and to the
right of me on the bridge I had just 'stepped' onto.
A Chevy Love Pick-up truck was sliding across the
interstate in a spin, after a failed entrance attempt
from Branch Ave.
The pick-up truck continued its spinout on the icy road
surface, striking the left wall of the bridge and
stopping _sideways_ across lane one. Unfortunately,
that was the lane that I had just entered the bridge
on, and I could not stop at all because of the ice on
the road.
I struck the passenger side of the pick-up truck at
about 45 miles per hour after trying to stop. There
was a very violent broadside crash that followed.
When it was over, I noticed I was still alive!
I immediately looked into the rear view mirror to see
if I would be hit from behind.
No cars were immediately behind me so that I had time
to get out of the car and get off the bridge before
someone came down the road and plowed into my crashed
vehicle. The driver of the Chevy Love pick-up truck
was alive and apparently un-injured in the crash and he
too, got out and cleared the vicinity in case of a
second crash. We both stood together looking back up
I-495 as we saw the traffic begin to slowdown and
Part Two: Analogy
The Chevy Love pick-up truck was completely demolished.
The driver said right away that it was his fault, that
he had gone into a spin while attempting to enter the
beltway, and that there was nothing that he could do.
As we both looked at his truck, which was completely
smashed into a "V" from the passenger side, this
retired Air Force officer said that he had just gotten
the truck painted.
I walked back a couple of times to look at my car, the
Crown Victoria. The front end was completely smashed
in. I got the jack out of the trunk to use as a pry
bar, to bend the bumper away from the tire so that I
could move the car a little. The Maryland State Police
pulled up and placed flares in the road. Everyone who
passed by stared. I felt like the "other guy."
I can very happily say, that I felt no remorse at
material loss. I had just finished paying for the car
which was new when I got it. Five years ago I would
have asked myself, what sin had I committed that
brought on this misfortune. However, I had just
recently heard an excellent Bible study given by Warren
Wiersby, formally of the BACK to the BIBLE radio
broadcast which comforted me greatly.
The study was about that passage of scripture, where
the Lord Jesus crossed crossing the sea of Galilee
_with_ his disciples. Though the disciples were
faithfully following Jesus, the storms of life still
arose. So I felt confident in knowing, that the Lord
and Saviour had the "birds eye view" of the situation
and knew the reason for this storm in my life.
Part three: WITNESS
As I had walked back to the trunk to get the jack,
so that I could pull the bumper out from digging
into my tire, I passed (and looked at) the bumper
sticker on my rear window which read,
"Cars Aren't the Only Things
Recalled by Their Maker"
I thought to myself, in this unfortunate situation, I
would at least like to tell the other driver of the
gospel of Christ Jesus. Maybe that is why the Lord
allowed this to happen. I was trying to think, what I
would tell him when I again looked at the passenger
door of the Chevy Love pick-up. When the driver
"landed" the truck, the driver's side was away from me.
Looking at the seriousness of the damage from the
passenger side, (the truck was totalled), I knew from
the way the frame of the vehicle was bend all the way
into the middle of the seats that if I had struck the
driver's side, he would have in all probability been
So, that is what I told the driver. I said, Hey, I
don't know if you've ever heard about getting saved,
before, but if you are not, I would seriously think
about getting saved because... if you had landed with
your driver's side toward's me, I would have killed
you. He seemed to agree as he shook his head in
Part four: Humility
I had a little trouble with the insurance company over
the matter. They quickly "TOTALLED" my car - only giving
me the blue book value of it. It was not enough to
drop the car off for a total repair including a rental.
The car was only physically injured in appearance. It
looked hideous but ran very well. After I removed the
front bumper, and stomped down the hood, and pulled the
front-end out with a "come-a-long". I had a something
that would at least take me back and forth to work
which was my immediate need.
I would drive to work very early before dawn to avoid
being seen, then come straight home and stayed there
throughout the evening only going to the grocery store.
People who did see the car out on the street stared at
me like I just landed from another galaxy. I don't
blame them.
I began looking for a front end for the car, but it was
very, very hard to locate. I looked at buying a new
car but (1) they all shrank since '87 and (2) they all
cost about $10,000 more than back then. Some used cars
I looked at did not run as well as my Crown Victoria.
It was really in mint condition before the crash.
So now about two months after the accident in February
'93 I seemed trapped in a situation of driving around
in a "Frankenstein-Mobile". This was a very humbling
experience, but one that I learned to appreciate.
Maybe it was that I liked the car a little too much
before the crash. No such feelings any more.
One day while entering the main entrance gate where
I work, a particular gate guard really, "jumped on my
case" about coming aboard the installation in a wreck.
He was really trying to help me - that is "motivate me"
into some sort of action. I tried harder to find the
front-end, no longer waiting for the folks who were
supposed to be looking for one for me to call.
Finally, sometime in March, the big day came! Acting
on a lead from an auto mechanic I found a complete 1987
FORD LTD CROWN VICTORIA front-end at Ripple's Auto
Parts. Although it cost a lot, it was in excellent
condition and complete with radiator wiring, lights,
Part five: Brought Together By the LORD
This is where my next door neighbor and his family came
in. My next door neighbor is saved! I'm talking about
the father and head of the household. His family was
not saved. He has a couple of sons, "BOO" who is about
six foot-three, maybe 250 pounds (big), and Darrell.
Both in their twenties. Nice fellows but they did not
know Christ.
I have spent hours at the fence, talking about the things
of God with Glenwood, the father. My talks with him are
some of the best fellowship in the Spirit of the Lord that
I have had in this life. All, and I say _all_, of our
conversations were filled with great joy as we would begin
to get loud sometimes at the fence. I had talked to BOO
maybe once or twice about Christ but not much more than
that. Darrell doesn't talk much to people at all.
Well, Glenwood had a pickup truck! He agreed to help me
get the front end home so we drove to Ripple's, in Upper
Marlboro, and got it. No more interplanetary stares! No
more hostile gate guards! No more "pre-dawn launches"!
We came home with the front-end towering out of the back
of the pickup as though we were returning from a great
hunt. We sat it down in the driveway. I was half way
there towards the repair of the vehicle!
Part six: The LORD's Will Revealed!
I am used to working alone, and have done many jobs by
myself. But you cannot install the front-end of a
Crown Victoria alone, except maybe if you have an overhead
crane installed over your driveway. The sheer weight
of the front-end requires two men to lift into place
and align. I needed some help badly.
Boo (my next door neighbors son), very kindly offered
to help me install the front end. This was great to
hear! Also, I don't know if this was in good taste or
not, but I offered to pay Boo for his help. It was
going to be a big job and I figured that that was the
American way.
So one day later, I dove into the job of installing a new
front end on the car. I had the ratchets turning. Boo
saw me hard at it and came over to help. He jumped
right in and progress was being made.
Strangely, I decided NOT to talk with Boo about the
things of the LORD while working on the car (as much
as I wanted to). I had thought to myself that I didn't
want Boo to think that he was under an obligation to
listen to me tell of salvation in Christ while we had
this business arrangement going on. I thought that I
would wait until it was totally Boo's decision to talk
about salvation. More people reject the gospel than
receive it and I didn't want that to happen in the
middle of the job.
To my great surprise, Boo began a discussion with
me. In other words, he began to say some very
meaningful things that had to do with views of life and
the like. It was all that I could do to contain myself,
because if I started into the sharing of the gospel, it
would be by the power of the Holy Ghost which would
overcome me. It would be the end of the front-end repair
job - that's for sure.
I tried to give Boo short answers to his meaningful
comments. He said once (knowing my relationship with
his father) "Yeah, my father is really from the
old school, he believes in the old-fashioned way of
doing things." Well, that almost set me off right
there! I stopped and told Boo, "That's the only school
to be from." Still, I held back from preaching.
Finally, Boo, laid the last straw on the camel's back.
He knew I was saved and he said something in reference
to God as an inquisitive statement. Well, that was it
for me. I tossed the ratchet down, stood up and looked
Boo, right in the eye and told him of the great salva-
tion that was in Christ the Lord!
I told him of the importance of preparing for eternity,
insuring that he is saved, being forgiven of sins, by-
passing Hell, and more. I told him about the soon
coming of Christ, and that all of the signs of His
coming were upon us.
I reminded him of the Biblical account of the flood of
Noah and the salvation that was in the Ark. I told
Boo of how, though Noah preached for 100 years, and
no one believed him, one day (as God said it would),
the rain began.
I told Boo the same situation existed today! Christ said
that he _would_ return, and that one must believe and
prepare himself for this ultimate event of all-time!
The front-end job was halted, as I got my Bible out
from the back seat pouch, and showed Boo the third
chapter of the gospel of John;
John 3:3-5
3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily,
verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born
when he is old? can he enter the second time into
his mother's womb, and be born?
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto
thee, Except a man be born of water and of the
Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
...and I showed Boo, from the Bible, the promise of John 3:16;
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only
begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
...and the important description of salvation in Romans 10;
Romans 10:9-13
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the
Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart
that God hath raised him from the dead, thou
shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and with the mouth confession is
made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth
on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew
and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is
rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the
Lord shall be saved. (KJV)
While looking at the very awesome scripture above from
Romans 10, somewhere in there I emphasized that _Boo_
needed to call on the name of the Lord to ask to be
saved. This is where I got the surprize of my life.
Boo, listening intently said, "You mean right now?"
[Michael] "Yes", I responded.
[Boo] "You mean right here?" (pointing to the ground)
[Michael] "Sure!" I said, looking at the driveway
asphalt, Boo's finger pointing to it, and his eyes.
Well, what happened next was, that two grown men got
down on their knees, (Boo first) in the middle of a
front-end installation, and one lead the other in a
prayer of salvation to the Lord GOD of the Bible, and
the Saviour Jesus, the Son of GOD.
This happened so fast that I was completely off balance
and astounded! As I had said, I intended from the
beginning to hold off on the gospel only because of the
nature of our arrangement for him to help me.
Boo's prayer included the acknowledgement of Jesus
Christ as _his_ LORD. It included a confession of sin,
a request for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, a
declaration of repentance by faith (everything was by
faith), and thanksgiving for the mercy and the grace
of the Lord. Boo asked the Lord to write his name in
the book of life.
When we got up from praying before God and man,
(who knows who was watching)... I was one born-again
Christian who was filled to the brim with "joy
unspeakable, and full of glory!" My mind was
completely blown at the power, and the wisdom, and the
will of GOD Almighty. My mind was blown at the
humility of this man who would immediately at his own
initiative elect to kneel down in the middle of a
driveway to ask the Father to save his soul from Hell.
God had blessed me beyond the point at which I could
contain it.
I have slight noticable scar on my head from
the accident, no big deal. The '87 Crown
Victoria has a new paint job and runs like
new. In the garage I have (2) brand new
radiators (water and air conditioner) in
storage alot of extra front end parts.
Boo, inherited eternal life in Christ the
Lord. He has become born-again of the Holy
Spirit of GOD who lives in him. He is
destined for the Kingdom where Jesus the
King will reign forever.
My faith was expanded by the event by a
great measure. When trouble comes now, I
don't fall apart. Walking in the light of
the fellowship of GOD (1John 1:7), I
realize that my steps are _ordered_ by Him.
All things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are called
according to His purpose.
I realized that the whole auto accident was about Boo's salvation.
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