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"Leviticus; Not a Slowdown At All"I Could Not Understand Leviticus Chapter One 1. When reading the Bible from the beginning at Genesis never fails to be a real adventure. That is because so many major events explode in front of your eyes so quickly. After all, the entire universe was created in just six days at the God's command. 2. This of course includes the creation of life, with the feature creation being man, created in God's own image. Not long after this, a catastrophic fall of man into sin, results in falling out of the fellowship of God. A brother Cain, is seen slaying his own brother, Abel, the first murder of humanity. Then we see detailed information in Genesis chapter 5 telling of precise time passages from which we are able to calculate the age of the earth. 3. Certainly not least- comes the great flood of Noah, and the great ship he built in obedience to God by faith. Then, the birth of the Nation of Israel, and a firey end to two cities of shame. Also, among these major initial events is the deliverance of Israel out of bondage in Egypt by one of the most spectacular events of all history, the dividing of the Red Sea! The image of this event from the great Cecil B. DeMille's epic film stunned me as a child as it does today. And the wonderful Commandments of God from atop a smoking, shaking, fiery mountain called Sinai are given to Moses, their deliverer. 5. What a Bang! What a startling way for God's inspired Scriptures to take to take off! As the cliche goes, "I couldn't put it down! Then after this intake of all these major events, I arrived at a book called "Leviticus." Leviticus ... a slowdown?
7. I was horrified as I read of their suffering. A good description of myself might be this...if I wanted a piece of fish, I would go to Arthur Treacher's Fish and Chips- not going fishing as it is too gruesome for me. So, naturally as I read of the slaughter of these innocent animals, all I could do was shake my head at the horror. Then Wonderfully... 9. All of the sacrifices of these animals, all of their suffering was only a portrait of what the Messiah would endure for man. Yeshua (Jesus), would be the life offered on the altar by God to atone for the sins of man... ...and that at so *great* a price. 10. Another film that greatly blessed me and one which I think was annointed in its making by the holy Spirit of God was George Stevens' "The Greatest Story Ever Told." This film was created with a reverence for Almighty God. At church, I wanted to share this blessing with others. I shared the film with Brother Willie Senn. When I asked him what he thought of the film he replied, "It was pretty good, but" that no Hollywood film has ever accurately portrayed the crucifixion of Yeshua. 11. I had to agree. A little trickle of blood here, and a crown of thorns with another little trickle there is *NOT* what happened. No, the scripturea tell us that; Isaiah 52:14 As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men: "Yeshua of Nazareth was Literally Slaughtered" 12. Yeshua, was literally slaughtered in sacrifice for our sins. There was not a trickle of blood from His brow, but blood poured from His wounded head as He wore the crown of thorns, from His face as His beard was ripped out, His back, after receiving thirty-nine lashes with a whip. 13. Head Wounds; Whatever side you were on, do you remember the anti-war protests of the 1960's and early 70's? When a person was struck in the head by a police baton, and then he or she was photographed under arrest, blood would be all over that person's face, and hair, as any head wound yields much blood. This is what we would have seen, as Messiah carried the cross from the Hall of Judgement to Golgotha... a man severely wounded and bleeding profusely from different areas of His body. 14. Brutality; Have you ever heard of someone dying in police custody- that is being arrested and beaten in prison? There is an account of this happening to Christ while under arrest in Jerusalem. The account is found in Luke 22; Luke 22:64 And when they had blindfolded him, they struck him on the face, and asked him, saying, Prophesy, who is it that smote thee? (KJV) 15. He was surrounded and beaten. These were big guards/soldiers doing the hitting. I am certain that Yeshua bled from His mouth and nose from this beating, in addition to the blood flowing from His multiple head wounds from the crown of thorns. These were muscular men who jammed the crown, into the head of Jesus. The song "Oh Sacred Head Now Wounded" was written in light of this passage. 16. During the recent caneing event overseas, an analysis was done of this form of punishment saying that each lash of the cane broke the skin and would leave a permanent scar on the buttocks of the person on the receiving end. This was exactly the case from the * TWENTY-NINE * whip lashes received by our LORD. Each lash tore open the skin of Yeshua ha Mashiach and damaged the flesh underneath. This whipping would have resulted in much blood being shed. 17. This, then, was the Christ who carried a huge wooden cross through the streets of Jerusalem to His own execution. Blood, and a lot of it, would be what you would have seen if you had looked on Him. Blood everywhere... from His head and thus completely covering His face...from His face where He was beaten and from where His beard was... His clothes would therefore have been red with this blood. This is why the women wept as they looked on Him carrying His cross. So Now.... 18. Now, when I read Leviticus one, I know that there is a purpose for every single word that is in the Bible. It is not a boring or tedious passage. As we have a detailed account of the slaughtering of the bullocks for the sacrifice, we see the extreme price that Christ paid for the remission of sins. The same cruelty suffered in this early portrait of atonement was suffered by Messiah. The blood that was in His body He gave it for an atonement for His sheep. Leviticus is not a slowdown, at all, but an early revelation of the "great" salvation to come.
Glory and honour be unto the name of
Yeshua, the Lord.
Praise God for His glorious resurrection!
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Web Author:Michael Stevenson Updated: 12/16/2004 7:09PM | ||||