What Does It Mean To Follow Jesus?
by Vincent Pasquale
Perhaps the best place to start would be to look up
the definition of "follow" in the dictionary - we find;
a) to go or proceed after
b) to pursue - seek to attain
c) to accept as authority
d) to copy after - imitate
e) to walk or proceed along a path
f) to watch steadily - attend closely to
g) to understand the meaning of
h) to come or take place after in time
When Jesus says "Follow me," I believe He means all
of the above. He wants us to pursue after him, to
seek him as something that is desired with all our
heart, with all our soul, and with all our mind.
He wants us to imitate him - that is - be more like
him, like a servant in tune with his Master, to be
more like the Master each and every day.
John 12:26 If any man serve me, let him FOLLOW ME.
We serve Jesus by following in His footsteps in the
path He has already laid out for us and has prepared
for us.
He wants us to keep our eyes on Him, to watch steadily,
to attend closely to him in prayer and supplication,
and to accept him as the authority in our life first
and foremost, not because we have to, but because we
want to out of love, for He first loved us.
Consider John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they
Think about it. Cattle have to be driven. Sheep
follow their shepherd just by recognizing his
voice. Heard a story a while back about two flocks
of sheep went down to a pond to drink and graze and
after a while got intermingled so that by sight you
couldn't tell them apart from one another. The
shepherd was not concerned, all he had to do was to
sing out to them atop the hill and his flock went
to him. They recognized his voice and went to him
when he called.
How applicable this is to our lives. Sometimes
we think - Oh, if we could just be like Jesus. I
think if we could just be like these sheep we would
have accomplished something!
To accept Him as authority is to obey His voice -
to obey His word, and therefore to understand Him
when He calls or speaks to us. While it may be
physically impossible in the flesh to follow him
100%, that doesn't mean we should stop trying.
Phil 3:12 Not as though I had already attained,
either were already perfect, but I FOLLOW after,
if that I may apprehend that for which I am
apprehended of Christ Jesus.
To follow Jesus is to press towards the mark for
the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus. To progress towards Him each and every day
in our lives so that we can be closely in tune with
Him. Submission to Jesus is our duty as Christians,
as servants of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
To follow Him closely is to be in his presence and
the presence of Jesus is the assurance of eternal
salvation. Because He lives, we shall live also.
We should follow Him in simplicity and in faith
because HE LEADS US. The path of our Lord is our
path of life.
To Him Be The Glory Forever And Ever!
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