Every one of us were created in the image of God, the Lord of the Universe.
One aspect of this image is the eternal nature of our soul. God is eternal-
He is from everlasting to everlasting. He had no beginning and he will have no end.
Surprisingly enough, neither will we! That's right- neither the unsaved soul,
nor the born-again soul will have an ending; the soul is eternal, made in the
image of God. From this truth we can determine that we must spend eternity
somewhere. Heaven is one of the two alternatives. It is only for those
who have found salvation in the cleansing blood of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The Bible gives us only glimpses of Heaven. Those glimpses that it
does give us are glorious! The second coming of our precious Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ and the reward He will bring, is our blessed hope;
1. Heaven is Beyond Our Imagination
The astounding thought here is that all of us during some part of our
lives have experienced beautiful experiences. In this life, I have seen
very beautiful things, I've heard very beautiful music, and in my heart
have touched on the spirit of love, which I am thankful for. But- this
scripture says that nothing we have experienced can come close to
the wonderful things God has prepared for we who love him. Hallelujah!
Think back over your own life to the nicest, feeling that you have ever had.
The highest point of joy, the deepest feeling of love, the happiest moment,
the most pleasant thought. The most peaceful suroundings that you knew.
These, my friend, do not even come close to the things which are waiting
for you in the Kingdom of God if indeed you have been born from above.
And the best part about it is that these glorious things awaiting you are
The scripture that we are looking at -- 1st Corinthians 2:9
states that the concept of what is prepared for we who believe, has never
entered into our hearts. One way to grasp this fact is to look at another
verse of scripture revealing the awesome vastness of God's being.
Isn't this really something!? "Heavens...higher than the earth.."
Friend, that is a very big difference in thought patterns.
That is at least the difference between human being and the amoeba! Now,
if I were a scientist, knowing the ins and outs of amoeba or protozoa, I could
probably create for that little creature a comfortable environment- what ever
such creatures liked, I would make it available for them such as
But God being our Creator, whose thoughts are far above mankind's thoughts
will provide joy unspeakable and full of glory for His people. You see,
in my scientific illustration above, I only studied the amoeba -- I did not
create it. But God created us, therefore He truly knows how to satisfy,
beyond our expectations. So you see whatever we could try to imagine, our
thoughts do not even approach those of the Lord of Glory. So if you ever
meditate on the most enjoyable emotion or sensation that you have ever had,
realize that it cannot be compared to the joys of Heaven that are being
prepared for us. Paul, who suffered more than most believers wrote:
2. Ever Increasing Joy
This passage is of course, a major prophecy about the coming of Messiah
Yeshua into the world and the establishment of His everlasting kingdom.
In verse 7, it reads "of the "increase" of his government and of PEACE
there shall be no end." The thought follows, when the
Lord will come and take us to meet with Him in
the clouds, of how our JOY will be so full, never
having experienced it at that level. But -- if that joy
never stops INCREASING through eternity future,
what level will we be at in 10,000 of what we used
to call years! Hallelujah! Can you imagine that?
Ever increasing JOY?! Not just never ending... but ever increasing!
3. Comparision to a Drug Induced "High"
HEAVEN won't be like this! HEAVEN will start out a million times greater
in fulfillment that one could ever imagine. We will be in the presence of
Almighty GOD, Himself. We shall behold Him -- the Lord Jesus Christ, who is
the Creator of all things. We will NEVER be separated from Him again but
will for all eternity dwell in the brightness of His glory. After this we
have the promise of Isaiah 9:7 that the initial peace, will never stop
increasing.. What a way to exist! What a way to spend an eternity!
This is probably one of the two most staggering
concepts of eternal life in Christ Jesus.
The physical and spiritual wonders of the glory
of Heaven are listed in the final chapters of the
Revelation -- numbers 21 and 22.
Streets of gold are mentioned, a new city
prepared especially for the church of Jesus
Christ, no more tears and much more.
However, Genesis 15:1 tells us the main substance
of what our eternal rewards consist of. He is our reward -- an
exceeding great one! He is the Lord God Almighty, the Lord Most Holy, and
the Creator of all things.
Think of the implications of seeing the face of God! I remember an earlier account of scripture where the *opposite was true. Look at this following experience of Moses with God.
Think of it friend! A man would drop dead upon laying eyes on the glory of God. John passed out on the Isle of Patmos when he viewed the Revelation of the glorified Christ! The Roman guards who guarded the tomb of Jesus passed out when they saw the appearance of the angel who rolled the stone away- and that was just an angel! When Moses went up on Mount Sinai to talk with God, the Hebrews at the base of the mountain were TERRIFIED at the presence of the LORD!
But- we who are in Christ, will look directly into the face of GOD, forever!
If our LORD did not prepare us a special body, we would
never be able to stand it the glory of His presence.
It was mentioned earlier that if the Lord did not give us a new body we would not be
able to stand in His presence. Well, that's just what God will do! Let's take a look at
just what kind of body we will receive (or at least what we can imagine based on God's
We wear flesh that decays at death, but in the resurrection we will put on that which does
not perish.
What will be the glory of this new *spiritual body?
Will we bear the image of Christ himself? Here's an awesome description-
What an awesom truth! "We shall be like Him"?
Friends- have you ever seen the description of the angel whom
John (at Patmos) saw in the Revelation? He passed out by just gazing at the
glory of the Lord! "We shall be like Him"? It's probably the only way we can exist
in His presence! Well, again it's just how far your imagination
can take you. I don't know what state we will be in, but it will be glorious.
The point here is that it is Jesus Christ who created us, therefore as far
as heavenly rewards are concerned- it is He who really knows how to
satisfy. He made the bodies we now have. He will create the bodies that
we are going to receive. Who knows better how to satisfy? Who knows better how
to fulfil but He who made us? It is this same Jesus, who has gone to prepare
a place for us as shown in verse 3 above. How glorious it will be whatever
way He has prepared for us to behold His eternal glory!
Though we might now imagine all these wonderful blessings
which are eternal and which await the arrival of those who believe in
Jesus Christ as LORD, and can discuss these wonders until the return of
Christ, in the end, for me anyway, it all goes back to my favorite scripture;
"Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!"
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