Jules E. Abramson, Fairfax, VA USA
I am Jewish by birth and upbringing but God used the TV Guide to save me in 1980.
I sing with the National Christian Choir. Love to receive personal mail.
Feel like the cares of the world are ensnaring me lately. Love this site.
Donna Y. Anderson,
Saved, Sanctified, and Filled with the Holy Ghost. Every
day new mercies, new grace, and a new refilling.In the name of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. God Bless each of you!!!
Ann, Texas, USA
As you face the great unknown
God's hand is there to lead you,
Be brave: You are not alone
No need to grope in the darkness,
Or to call for a guiding light
God's hand is there to lead you
His way:It is always right.
Each day is a new adventure
From the moment you awake
God's hand is there to lead you
Take hold:It is yours to take.
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