Becky Harvey, Alaska, USA
Just recently received net access. There are no Messianic
congregations up here (Alaska) and very few Messianic Jews. We'd
love to hear from anyone.
Simon Hazlitt, Kuwait
Dear Beloved in Christ,
Your web site is very very nice, and lots of
stuff for the spritual growth, I am very much
convinced with the Christmas is Pagan holiday.
I am from Full Gospel Prayer Church in Kuwait
and we preach exactly what is written the in
word of God. Not a word more and not a word
less. God has revealed each and everything
clarly in the Bible accurately but he didn't
mention the birth date of Jesus Christ.
For the real christians the day a sinner
confess and accept Jesus Christ as his personal
Saviour and When Jesus Christ comes into his
life that is the day for Christmas for him.
I pray let the eyes of the all christians open
so that they could see the real meaning of
May God Bless you and your ministry.
Until He comes
Simon Hazlitt
Helene, Louisiana, Usa
Lonely!!I am looking for christian e-mail friends. Very shy, but love the Lord,
am born again , and spirit filled.Please Write???
Kim Hinshaw, Perryton, Texas
I have enjoyed my look around your homepages.
I will bookmark ya so I can come back and check out the rest. I've
also enjoyed chatting.
Pastor Al Horta, Elizabeth, NJ
END TIME MINISTRIES We invite you to visit End Time Ministries.
Pastor Al, Cindi, Alison, and Victoria Horta
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