Glen Pense, USA
My GOD is a great GOD
Patrick Petrin, USA
The Lord is my life,and in Him I have just that!! Fellowship Welcome!!!
(and needed!) never give up or give in,no strenghth in the world,only in HIM!
Warren J Pevnick, USA
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep. (Ps.121:4,KJV)
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall
prosper that love thee.(Ps122:6, KJV)
I am a Messianic Jew who has known Yeshua for
nearly 23 years.
William Pierce, USA
I Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Robert Prince, Edmonton, Canada
I enjoyed your site and D/L your time line chart
very good and detailed. I also do bible teaching in Edmonton.
You may link any portion of my bible teaching site at
also my testimony you should read as it is ongoing.
GOd Bless & Shalom-
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