Friend, the short version of this Biblical command above, echoed by Peter on the day of Pentecost, is to- as soon as possible and without delay, obey the word of God given in Matthew 28:19, and be baptised in water in the name of Jesus Christ. Adopt the same attitude as the Ethiopian eunich who said to Phillip upon hearing the Gospel;
In these last days However, this clear teaching of the Bible concerning this matter has been blurred, by those who without authority and in opposition to the commission given by Christ in Matthew 28:19, teach that water baptism is "not necessary" for salvation. No man has the authority to issue a waiver to the command of Jesus Christ. Rather, as a faithful witness of what Christ commissioned to be taught I exhort you to be so baptized.
What a wonderful way to begin your new relationship
to the heavenly Father, by obeying the first direction
from Him after our faith in Him is established! Contact the
nearest person you know to be in Christ that will do so, and
enter into the heritage of Christ's Church, as soon as is
physically possible.
Viewed From the Authority of God's Word- the Bible
Since the age of twelve years, it has been stated to me that water baptism
is "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual faith."
I can quote that phrase because in the church in which I was raised,
this was a requirement for "confirmation" the Christian equivalent of a
Jewish Bar Mitzvah. Point; Though this phase sounds good, but you will
not find that definition of water baptism anywhere in God's Word.
So as we look into God's written Word to explore the
commandment of our Lord Jesus to be water baptised in His name,
must ask ourselves the question, "What does God's Word teach
concerning water baptism? What is His will for my life in this?"
Afterwhich we must rest on the authority of the Bible.
It is that word which our stewardship will be examined by at the
Judgement Seat of Christ.
(Romans 14:10-12, 1Cor 3:13-15, 2Cor 5:10)
I. Water Baptism Fulfills All Righteousness
What do we find? Jesus stated to John that water baptism "fulfils all
righteousness". As we obey the commandment of Christ Jesus to be water
baptised, we fulfil all righteousness as we walk obediently in His steps.
After all, upon coming to faith in Jesus Christ, would it not be unrighteousness
to disobey His first command to us as our "Lord"?
II. Water Baptism; A Commandment Of Jesus Christ
Of the question of the hour, "What does God's
Word say about water baptism?" Here in the above
scripture we see that baptism is no less than a
commandment of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
He commanded His disciples to baptize all nations
throughout the whole world. We are the disciples
of Christ if we are born-again and this "commission" is
therefore given to us as well.
In light of that commandment, let me make the point that the Holy Spirit
of God did not empower His church on the Day of Pentecost
with the Holy Ghost for them to go throughout the world telling people that
they need not be baptised. The Holy Ghost did not fill the Apostle's
to overflowing on the day of Pentecost, so that they could go forth and teach
that water baptism is optional to the decision of the individual believer.
That concept is not what God's word teaches. Here in Matthew 28:19
we see that what the Messiah did say out of His own mouth was to
"Go ye therefore... ..baptizing them." Water baptism is therefore a
commandment of Jesus Christ. The same Jesus who said;
There is blessing in obedience to your Lord's command.
Let us therefore be faithful to His word in this
act of water baptism.
III. The Day of Pentecost and Examples of Obedience
Just 90 days earlier, when Jesus of Nazareth was arrested by the temple
guards, Peter had denied Christ when a mere maiden
questioned him about his association with Jesus. Three times Peter
had denied knowing Jesus. But now-- empowered by the Holy Ghost on
the Day of Pentecost, Peter lifted up his hand (at risk of life)
and boldly proclaimed in that anointing, salvation in Yeshua
the Messiah;
This bold preaching made openly before all of Jerusalem,
illustrates the power of the Holy Ghost in a believer's life.
The effect on the men who heard these words, was conviction in their
hearts and they asked of Peter what they needed to do;
Friend, let's let Peter's words speak for themselves.
He taught "for" the remission of sins, as though water
baptism was the entrance into the cleansing power of the
blood of Christ. And Peter was careful to say, "every one of you...".
Look now at the attitude in which these new believers received
the command of Christ.
Look at what just happened! Three thousand people professing
their new found faith in Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah, went down into
the waters of baptism in one day! They obeyed the teaching
of the Apostles.
Friend, this is the true heritage of the Church that you have been born
into, and you are called obediance to this same obedience to God's will.
Of those 3000 who received the word from the Apostles that day we reads
in Acts 2:47 that they were "Praising God, and having favour with all the
people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."
The people were saved because they believed in the shed blood
of Jesus, their Messiah. The people got baptized in water in obediance to
His commandment and faith in His word because He had become their Lord.
IV. No Separation Between Water Baptism and Confession of Faith
This is no less than a monumental event in Church history,
because prior to this, the only people who comprised the church
of Jesus Christ were Jewish brothers and sisters (or "they of the
circumcision...verse 45"). In verse 44 the Holy Ghost falls
on the Gentiles for the very first time!
The Jewish brothers and sisters in the Messiah
"were astonished" as they saw that salvation had come
to the Gentiles! You must understand that salvation
had been "of the Jews" (alone) for about 2000 years
since God's covenant with Abraham.
So when the Jewish believers in Messiah led by Peter saw that God's
precious gift of the Holy Ghost was given to people outside of the
nation of Israel (the Gentiles), their mouths dropped in astonishment!
Now Peter, who was preaching when the Holy Ghost fell on these
people said;
Case and point- the first thing that the Apostle Peter did when
he saw that the Gentiles were partakers of the Holy Ghost was to follow
through with the water baptism of these new believers. The point is that
in the Church empowered at Pentecost, there was no separation of faith
in Christ and water baptism. The two simply went hand-in-hand. The church
illustrated in the book of Acts is our example to follow.
V. The Expediency of Water Baptism
After their arrival a young woman who brought much
monetary gain to her master as a soothsayer followed
Paul around anouncing him as being a servant of the
most high God. Paul cast a demon out of this woman
and she repented from soothsaying.
For this deliverence by the hand of Paul, both he and
Silas were severely beaten and cast into prison on
false charges. In the middle of the night, as Paul
and Silas sang songs of praise to the Lord, despite
their persecution, a miracle occurred! GOD caused a
major earthquake which broke the chains of Paul
and Silas and opened their prison door! This is the point
at which we pick up the account in Acts chapter 16;
This is a beautiful account of salvation showing that
the Lord can use any circumstance to His glory. Now,
think of this... the jailer is right in the process of
becoming a believer, praise God! But-- If ever there was a
time to postpone a water baptism, this would be
the time most people would agree to do so, in light of the
earthquake that had just happened.
Paul could have easily said at this point, "Well,
we've just experienced a major earthquake, and
there exist the danger of after shocks so we'll
dismiss now and meet again some other time for a
water baptism. As long as you believe- you'll be
find." NOT SO, friend. NOT SO! Look at the Biblical account of what
did happen;
It was not the attitude of the Apostles to put off
the work of the Lord (water baptism) for any
amount of time. That attitude is only a recent developement in today's church.
But in the Church of Jesus Christ documented in the book of Acts,
in the very same hour that the jailer believed, not only did the jailer
immediately get water baptised, but his entire household was water baptised.
This was the policy and the doctrine of the Apostles and of the church
empowered at the day of Pentecost. Water Baptism was an integral part
of the salvation process. It was a fulfillment of Christ's command,
not to be neglected, and very much necessary.
VI. The ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH; The Right Attitude Towards Water Baptism
The Ethiopian had just come from Jerusalem to worship-
yet he was still empty and still searching the scriptures!
Phillip, by command of the Holy Spirit, joined himself to
this man's chariot and shared the gospel of Yeshua HaMashiach
with him from the exact scripture the eunuch was reading.
Wonderfully, the Ethiopian received the gospel in His heart, and
believed unto righteousness. Continuing down the road as they
spoke....*this event is what followed;
Allow me to ask you this final question. What was the cause,
let's say, of the Ethiopian eunuch immediately taking action
to insure that he was water baptised? After all, it was the
eunuch who pointed out the body of water and asked what would
hinder him from being baptized.
Case and point, loved one, Phillip obviously shared
the Lord's commandment of water baptism with the Ethiopian
as part of his sharing of tha Gospel!
There is certainly no reference to water baptism in
the book Isaiah, chapter 53 (where they were
reading). Phillip must then, have told the man about being
baptised as part of his presentation
of the gospel. It was the very first thing that the
Ethiopian did after declaring his faith!
Obedience to the word of God in humbleness to the
commandment of Jesus Christ was clearly demonstrated by
this man's actions and in Phillip's presentation of His gospel.
Once again we see that there existed no separation between
coming to faith in the Lord Jesus and water baptism.
VI. Conclusion
This my friend is in part, what the Bible teaches about
water baptism for believers in the Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.
We are saved by the shed blood of God's Christ.
We get baptised in water in obediance to His
commandment in becoming our Lord. There is
blessing in obedience to the Word of God.
The whole matter about the question, "Is water baptism necessary for
salvation?", can easily be compared to the recent problem which has
developed with the first amendment to the United States Constitution
relative to prayer in public schools.
Congress shall make no law respecting an
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government
for a redress of grievances.
From the above amendment made to guarantee the
freedom of the people of the United States, it was
decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in
1962 that NO PRAYER BE ALLOWED in public schools.
The 'logic' was "separation of church and state."
This thought of ending prayer in public schools is
utterly ridiculous seeing that the same legislative
body (U.S. Congress) opens each session with prayer
and always have since the birth of the nation.
Case and point, the Continental Congress who drafted
and signed the Constitution of the United States
never considered the thought of removing prayer from
Public schools would be derived from the
first amendment. I'm sure that the thought never
crossed their minds, in that the majority of them
were God fearing men who regularly prayed.
However, what happend was, a little less that 200
years later in 1962, atheist lobbyed forces to do the
unthinkable- remove prayer from public schools
(which resulted in disaster.)
The Comparision:
Likewise, I do not believe that the Apostles ever
considered that the question would be asked, "Is
water baptism necessary for salvation?" I don't think
that the thought ever crossed their minds as we see
their actions recorded in the book of Acts. We can see
there, and in Romans chapter six, that water baptism was
an integral part of the Gospel of salvation.
It was immediately carried out in
Unfortunately, in the last days, the whole concept of water baptism
has come around full circle to the point where it is not uncommon to
hear it taught that water baptism is "not necessary" for salvation.
Not necessary for salvation? Is any commandment of God "not necessary"?
This of course, is the complete opposite from what we find to be true
in God's Word.
Such a question is not for us (the church) to answer. Jesus Christ
has clearly given us the commission-- to baptise new believers in water
and that should be the end of the discussion for any person sharing Christ's
Gospel. We have no authority, to teach that baptism is "not necessary"
as that waiver supercedes the command of Christ.
Our task as His Church is to present water baptism for the remission of
sins, as Peter did on the day of Pentecost. Our task is to be faithful
witnesses of His gosple and ambassadors to His kingdom. We are to echo
what He commanded, not issue waivers for His commands.
The question of the thief on the cross at the right hand of Jesus?
That situation was address by the Lord Himself (prior to His words spoken
in Mt 28:19) and is settled forever, praise God! Death bed repentance?
These situations are all in the hands of Jesus, whose judgments are righteous
judgments. They are His area. Our job is to preach His gospel and
to do so faithfully.
If the question, "Is water baptism necessary for salvation?" ever is posed
to this writer, I would simply reply that, "Friend, all I can present to
you, is that which I have heard. All that I can
teach you- is what the Lord has commanded me to teach (Matthew 28:19).
If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then be
baptised in water in accordance with the Lord's command."
"You'll be glad you did."
The Reconciling of Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38
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