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"R"  Sacred
"R" (Secular)
Rapture, Roman Empire,
"Rapture" (PRE) 16 "proofs" for the PRE-Tribulation Rapture
"Rapture" (CON) Against
"Rapture" (POST) "The Last Trumpet"; Support fo the Post-Tribulation Rapture
"Resurrection" (CON) An Awesome Computer Graphics presentation
"Real 53" The Messiah of Isaiah 53 by mbs
"Rejoice!"Midi music written by Michael Stevenson
resurrection Timing the timing of the crucifixion/resurrection events
Roe vs. Wade Actual Audio from the 1971-1973 arguments on Abortion
Roman Empire
Rome: Roman Empire  


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 Web Author:Michael Stevenson Updated: 12/16/2004 6:18PM