John Story Jenks Elementary School circa 1960's

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Presented by Nancy Screnci (Uhle)

Photo by Nancy Screnci (Uhle) Class of 1967
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    Wow! What memories this photograph of the Gym brings to mind. They are many. The first thought that enters my mind is that of a person, Mr. Stanley Gershman whom I remember with the fondest of thoughts. I don't normally use the word "smooth" when describing someone but if ever this was a smooth character it was he. No matter if the situation was intense or calm, Mr. Gershman simply kept his cool and delt with it.

   Mr. Stanley Gershman was my Gym teacher (Physical Education) in the 1960's and naturally a lot of that took place here. It was awesome just to take the steps down to this place which obviously has been kept in the finest of condition. We could play Dodge Ball in this vast space, just as well as outside in the schoolyard.

   But-- in addition to all of this something that really stands out in my mind is that the Gym was also our official Fall Out Shelter. Yes, those were tough times we were living in back in the 50's and 60's, dealing with Mr. Nikita Khrushchev and all. And we were prepared for the worst. I remember specifically that those Military meals known as MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) were kept in storage in the Gymnasium, in a section not seen in this photograph. The reason I remember, is because when they were about to expire, they were given to the Safety Patrol to eat.

    I was fascinated by the whole thing, really. Bit by bit I began to realize as a child that two nations were thinking about going at it head to head. I felt safe in the Gym, though (smile). -ms