John Story Jenks Elementary School circa 1960's

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Presented by Nancy Screnci (Uhle)

Photo by Nancy Screnci (Uhle) Class of 1967
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Contributor's Entries
Michael Stevenson entry:
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    This photo shows the former lunchroom that I know we all remember. Now, as Nancy presents to us, it is the artroom. One has to really think back to reassemble the room as it stood 40 or 50 years ago. Can you help? I remember the windows and the bright light coming into this, otherwise darker area. I remember specifically eating lunch on long heavy wooden tables and benches, seated with other classmates. The Safety Patrol got to drink Hot Chocolate on colder mornings and provided to us by wonderful volunteers such as Mrs. Mildred Boyle as well as many others. Thank you! Michael Stevenson

Phyllis Linn entry:
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As I remember the lunchroom...............

You could come down steps from the outside school yard or come down the inside school steps. A short hallway led to the lunchroom door. As you entered; on the same wall as the door, to your right, was a long counter and an opening to the kitchen where you could get milk, cookies and pretzels. No hot meals, you brought your lunch in a bag or lunchbox. The room had rows of long tables where you sat and ate your lunch. When you were done, you went out into the yard until the bell rang.

I visited the school about 6 years ago. There were no murals in the first floor hall as there is now and no lockers on the third floor. I remember that Miss Arabella Turney's 8th grade classroom was the last room on the east side of the hallway. The pictures were great to see.

(An assembly program, a tour of the school and a luncheon elsewhere would be a great idea for a reunion)

June '55